Saturday, May 31, 2008

Simple Life

For all of us who grew up in mother culture where food is cultivated and material comforts are ready made, its difficult to imagine any alternative lifestyle. Its a common notion that hearts content money and material comfort are reciepies for happiness, here is a article which shows a simple life on a remote island in Pacific ocean where you hunt your own food, no electricity, no basic amenities, basically no material comforts we take for granted. Such a life might sound miserable or rather primitive but on the contrary people there seem quite happiest.

Quote from the article
The twin pillars of a classically happy life - strong family ties and a general absence of materialism"


If you really want to understand why such a simple life is more meaningful and sustainable I would highly recommend reading Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael".


Courtesy of the picture

Venkat Reddy

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